Adam Manuel

Adam Manuel

Full Stack Engineer
Contact Me
Austin, TX
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Hey 👋

I'm always looking for a new challenges, whatever it might be. So feel free to contact me if you want to build something cool together ✌️

Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.

Edsger W. Dijkstra


  • Full Stack Engineer

    PLNAR(Austin, TX)
    May 2021 - Present (38+ months)
  • Full Stack Developer (Contractor)

    Woolson Real Estate(Victoria, TX), Alamo Botanicals(San Antonio, TX) & Midtown Home Improvements(Wentzville, MO)
    Dec 2020 - May 2021 (6 months)
  • Full Stack Developer (4th Employee)

    Augmented Destiny(San Antonio, TX)
    Jan 2019 - Dec 2020 (2 years)
  • CTO/Co-Founder

    JAMKO(San Antonio, TX)
    May 2017 - Jan 2019 (1 year 9 months)


  • Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science with a Data Science Concentration(Incomplete)

    The University of Texas at San Antonio (San Antonio, TX)
    2015 - Jun 2018


(Ordered by Experience)
  • LanguagesNode.jsTypescriptJavascriptHTML/CSSSass/ScssPostCSSBashPythonJavaCPerlSolidityFrameworksAngular2+AngularJSMaterial Design (CSS)SvelteTailwindCSSExpressNestJSApollo GraphQLFastAPIData SchemaRESTful API DesignOpenAPI2/3JSON-SchemaGraphQLODataInfrastructureAzureVercelCI/CD (Github, Bitbucket, Azure)DockerAWSDatabasesMongoDBCosmosDBDynamoDBMySQLFaunaDBAzure Table StorageRedisToolsRegExpWebpackRollupBabelServerless Framework